◗◗enhance your event engagement to skyrocket sales performance


from capturing booth visitors seamlessly to interactive booth experiences, our platform empowers you to make the most of your events.

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connect with your
booth visitors

at momencio, we understand the importance of efficient event engagement. Our solution helps you streamline every aspect, making it easier than ever to connect with attendees and exhibitors.

efficient event lead capture

say goodbye to manual data entry. capture leads effortlessly by scanning badges or business cards.

event lead capture & AI enrichment

introducing our revolutionary universal lead capture feature. snap a picture of a badge, and we’ll enrich the data for you.

lead scoring

not all leads are equal. identify and prioritize hot leads with our intuitive lead scoring system.

why momencio for events & trade shows

lead qualification

Effectively capturing leads is only the first step. momencio understands that not all leads are equal, and that’s why we offer powerful lead qualification and follow-up features to help you prioritize and nurture your leads for conversion.

customized lead qualification questions

Every business has its unique criteria for what constitutes a high-potential lead. With Momencio, you can tailor lead qualification questions to align with your specific goals and sales strategies. This customization ensures that your team focuses on leads that are most likely to convert into valuable customers.

  • create tailored qualification criteria: define what characteristics or actions make a lead highly qualified. is it their engagement level at the event? the specific products they’ve shown interest in? customize your criteria for lead scoring.

  • efficiently sort and prioritize leads: momencio’s intelligent lead scoring system categorizes leads based on your defined criteria. this means your sales team can quickly identify and prioritize hot leads that are ready for immediate follow-up.

Streamlined Follow-Up Process

With Momencio, the transition from event engagement to post-event follow-up is seamless. We provide tools and automation that simplify the follow-up process, ensuring no valuable leads slip through the cracks.

  • Automated lead distribution: momencio can automatically distribute leads to the appropriate sales or marketing teams based on your predefined rules. This ensures every lead is promptly assigned to the right personnel for personalized follow-up.
  • Email campaign integration: Our platform allows you to initiate email campaigns as part of your follow-up strategy. Send targeted messages and relevant content to leads to keep them engaged and informed about your products or services.
  • On-Demand presentations: Move away from traditional printed collateral. momencio enables you to share digital presentations with leads on-demand. These presentations are accessible online, making it convenient for leads to revisit and engage with your content even after the event.
  • Lead engagement tracking: Gain deep insights into how leads are engaging with your follow-up materials. Understand which assets resonate the most with leads and tailor your follow-up strategy accordingly.
  • Real-time notifications: Receive real-time notifications when leads interact with your follow-up materials. This allows your sales team to reach out at the most opportune moments when leads are actively engaging.
  • Lead conversion insights: Measure the success of your follow-up efforts by tracking lead conversion rates. Understand which follow-up strategies are most effective in converting leads into customers.

event ROI and Analytics

When it comes to event engagement and management, measuring your Return on Investment (ROI) is paramount. momencio provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to help you assess the impact of your events. With detailed insights, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your future events.

  • Track event performance: momencio’s robust analytics allow you to track various event metrics, including attendance, booth traffic, lead generation, and more. Understand which sessions or booths attracted the most attention, helping you tailor your strategies.
  • Lead conversion insights: Gain valuable insights into lead conversion rates. Identify which leads from the event progressed to become customers. This data is invaluable for assessing the quality of leads generated at events.
  • Gamification analytics: If you’ve incorporated gamification elements into your event, we provide analytics to gauge participant engagement with these interactive activities. See what challenges were most popular and what prizes drove engagement.  


Elevate your events while reducing environmental impact with momencio. Our eco-friendly tools help you streamline event management and track sustainability efforts, all in real time.

  • sustainability simplified: Discover how momencio’s event planning tools prioritize sustainability while offering streamlined management features and real-time insights, making eco-friendly event planning effortless.

  • setting green goals: Learn how to set and communicate sustainability goals for your event, focusing on waste reduction, energy conservation, and more, to champion green initiatives effectively.

  • digital solutions for sustainability: Explore the benefits of going paperless with momencio’s digital communication tools, reducing resource consumption while enhancing attendee engagement and personalization.

gamification for
enhanced event

engage your trade show attendees in a whole new way with event games. momencio offers gamification features that turn your event into an exciting experience. Encourage attendees to interact with your booth or sessions by offering rewards and recognition.

challenge-based interactions

Create fun challenges or quizzes related to your products or services. Attendees can participate and earn rewards or discounts for completing challenges.

leaderboards and prizes

Display live leaderboards to showcase the top participants. Offer prizes to incentivize engagement, whether it's discounts on your products, exclusive content access, or branded merchandise.

enhanced attendee networking

Gamification encourages attendees to connect with each other. Foster a sense of community by facilitating interactions among participants.

With Momencio's event engagement and management solution, you have a complete suite of features at your disposal to create memorable, data-driven events that leave a lasting impression on your booth visitors and provide actionable insights for your team.

unlock event & sales enablement opportunities


momencio's powerful platform doesn't stop at event lead capture and follow-up.

by leveraging momencio’s lead qualification and follow-up features, you can ensure that your post-event interactions with leads are timely, personalized, and tailored to their specific needs. this significantly enhances your chances of turning event attendees into satisfied, long-term customers.


momencio - AI Lead Enrichment


The AI Lead Enrichment is a proprietary service of momencio designed to simplify and enhance the
process of capturing and enriching lead information at any type of event.

By using momencio’s mobile or tablet app, you can use the device’s camera to take a clear picture of any form of identification, including, but not limited to, name tags/event badges/business cards. Our AI-driven service leverages OCR technology to identify any information captured and map any relevant data to a contact record. The contact record is then fed to our Lead Enrichment service, which creates a more complete contact record. The process provides exhibitors with the most accurate and up-to-date contact details available.

The Reality of Event Data Collection

In the dynamic environment of event floors, achieving perfect data accuracy can sometimes be challenging. Both traditional lead capture methods using event APIs and AI Lead Enrichment strive for
high accuracy, but various factors can impact the data collected:

  • Personal Email Usage: Some attendees register with personal email addresses.
  • Name Misspellings: Minor errors can occur during registration.
  • Generic Email Addresses: Use of addresses like marketing@domain.com.
  • Broad Registration Categories: Attendees might register under general titles (e.g., Biomedical
  • Complex Company Structures: Companies with multiple sub-companies can complicate data


AI Lead Enrichment is specifically designed to manage these scenarios, continually learning and
adapting to improve its accuracy.

Advanced Services for Lead Enrichment

AI Lead Enrichment leverages a suite of advanced tools and services to ensure the highest quality data retrieval:

  • Machine Learning: Continuously improves the accuracy of lead data.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): Enhances basic information with additional details.
  • Data Enrichment: Adds valuable contact details to enhance lead profiles.
  • LinkedIn Services: Provides up-to-date professional profiles.

Our Commitment to Excellence

AI Lead Enrichment excels in providing accurate data, yet certain edge cases may present challenges. These include:

  • Private LinkedIn Profiles: Some professional details might be inaccessible.
  • Personal Email Addresses: When registrants use personal rather than business emails.
  • Small-Scale Businesses: Limited online presence can affect data richness.
  • Self-Employed Individuals: Lack of company affiliation might limit available data.
  • Event Staff Contacts: Scanned badges may occasionally belong to event staff.
  • Extensive Sub-Company Networks: Complexity in identifying the correct entity.
  • Security-Sensitive Industries: Industries like military or government may have restricted

Despite these potential challenges,
AI Lead Enrichment strives to provide the best possible data,
ensuring valuable insights for effective follow-ups.

How AI Lead Enrichment Enhances Your Event Strategy

  1. Data Capture: Seamlessly capture attendee information such as first name, last name, and
    company name.
  2. Data Enrichment: Utilize AI to enhance this basic information with additional details like
    business email and LinkedIn profile.
  3. Immediate Engagement: Send personalized follow-up emails and provide links to personalized
    microsites to maintain engagement.


momencio’s AI Lead Enrichment innovative technology ensures high data accuracy and enrichment, significantly improving your follow-up strategies and boosting overall event ROI.

By operating independently of event-specific APIs, ULC offers versatility across various events while enhancing your lead capture and engagement efforts.

Additional Information on Event APIs

Traditional event APIs play a crucial role in modern event management, facilitating tasks like attendee data collection and session tracking. However, there are common challenges associated with these APIs:

  • Data Delays: Delays in data delivery can affect timely decision-making.
  • Inconsistent Data Quality: Variability in data quality can undermine event analytics.
  • Misleading Event Data: Issues like duplicates can lead to inaccurate attendee estimates.
  • Limited Data Scope: Traditional APIs might miss crucial information that enhances attendee
    engagement and event ROI.


momencio’s AI Lead Enrichment overcomes these challenges by offering enriched data with high
accuracy, making it a versatile and cost-effective alternative to traditional event APIs.

How AI Lead Enrichment Works

  1. Data Capture: Captures attendee information, including first name, last name, and company
  2. Data Enrichment: Enhances basic information with additional details like business email and
    LinkedIn profile.
  3. Immediate Engagement: Sends personalized follow-up emails and links to personalized
    microsites for continued engagement.

By leveraging momencio’s AI Lead Enrichment, you can transform event interactions into meaningful business opportunities, ensuring every lead is accurately captured and effectively engaged

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