◗◗navigate the language of event marketing
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, our glossary is designed to provide you with clear, concise definitions that will help you navigate the complex landscape of event marketing.
event marketing terms
- Abstract Management
- A/B Testing
- Accessibility
- Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
- Accreditation
- Actionable Analytics
- Activation
- Admission Control
- Ad Retargeting
- Affiliate Marketing
- Agenda
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
- Allocation
- Ambient Media
- Analytics Platform
- Anchoring Events
- App Engagement
- Attendee Experience
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- Authenticity
- Automated Email Sequences
- Award Ceremony
- Back-of-House (BOH)
- Badge Design
- Banner Ads
- Behavioral Targeting
- Best Practices
- Bleisure
- Blog
- Booth
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Equity
- Brand Experience
- Break-Even Analysis
- Broadcast Email
- Budget Allocation
- Business Development
- Buyer Persona
- Buzz Marketing
- Campaign Tracking
- Cancellation Policy
- Capacity Management
- Captive Audience
- Case Study
- Celebritization
- Certification Programs
- Channel Mix
- Chatbots
- Check-In Technology
- Client Entertainment
- Closing Session
- Co-Branding
- Collateral
- Community Building
- Competitive Analysis
- Compliance
- Content Aggregation
- Content Marketing
- Conversion Funnel
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)
- Cross-Promotion
- Crowd Control
- C-Suite Engagement
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Customer Segmentation
- Customization
- Dashboard
- Data Aggregation
- Data Analytics
- Database Management
- Database Marketing
- Data Cleansing
- Data Enrichment
- Data Mining
- Data Privacy
- Data Visualization
- Decision Makers
- Demand Generation
- Demographics
- Digital Asset Management (DAM)
- Digital Engagement
- Digital Experience
- Digital Footprint
- Digital Marketing
- Direct Marketing
- Disruption
- Disruptive Technology
- Diversity
- Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
- Door Drop
- Double Booking
- Downloadable Content (DLC)
- Drip Campaign
- Dynamic Content
- Dynamic Pricing
- Early Bird Pricing
- E-commerce Integration
- Email Automation
- Email Campaign
- Engagement Metrics
- Engagement Rate
- Enterprise Event Management
- Entry Management
- Environmental Branding
- Ethnographic Research
- Event Analytics
- Event App
- Event Blueprint
- Event Branding
- Event Brief
- Event Design
- Event Experience
- Event Lifecycle
- Event Marketing Automation
- Event Metrics
- Exhibit Designer
- Exhibition Management
- Experiential Learning
- Experiential Marketing
- Expert Panel
- Exposure
- External Communication
- Facilitator
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- F&B (Food and Beverage)
- Feature Area
- Feedback Form
- Festival
- Field Marketing
- Floor Manager
- Flow
- Focus Group
- Follow-Up
- Foot Traffic
- Forecasting
- Forum
- Front-of-House (FOH)
- Full-Service Agency
- Function Sheet
- Fundraising Event
- Furniture Rental
- Fusion Marketing
- Gala Dinner
- Gala Event
- Gamification
- Gateway
- Genre
- Geo-Targeting
- Gifting Suite
- Giveaways
- Goals
- Grandstand
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Graphic Facilitation
- Gratuity
- Green Events
- Gross Rating Point (GRP)
- Groundbreaking Ceremony
- Group Dynamics
- Growth Hacking
- Guerdon
- Guerrilla Marketing
- Guest List Management
- Guided Visualization
- Hard Launch
- Hashtag Campaign
- Headliner
- Heat Map
- Help Desk
- High-Profile
- Hologram
- Hospitality Desk
- Hospitality Management
- Hospitality Suite
- Hosted Buyer
- Housekeeping Notes
- HTML Emails
- Hybrid Event
- Hype
- Hyperlocal
- Hyper-targeting
- Inbound Marketing
- Incentive Program
- Inclusion
- Influencer Marketing
- Information Kiosk
- Innovation Hub
- Instagram Stories
- Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
- Interactive Displays
- Interactivity
- Internal Event
- International Event
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Inventory Management
- Invitation-Only Event
- iOS/Android App
- IP Address Tracking
- Job Fair
- Joint Venture Events
- Journey Mapping
- Journey Touchpoints
- Jumbotron
- Jump Page
- Juried Exhibition
- Justification Kit
- Just-In-Time Marketing
- Kaleidoscope Session
- Kerning
- Key Attendees
- Keynote Speaker
- Keystone Event
- Kick-off Meeting
- Kiosk
- Kit
- Knock-down
- Knowledge Base
- Knowledge Exchange
- Knowledge Transfer
- KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
- Kudos
- Landing Page
- Lanyard
- Launch Event
- Lead Retrieval
- Lead Time
- Learning Objectives
- Leverage
- Live Polling
- Livestream
- Logistics
- Marketing Collateral
- Master of Ceremonies (MC)
- Meet and Greet
- Merchandising
- Metrics
- Microsite
- Mind Mapping
- Mobile App
- Moderator
- Monetization
- Multimedia
- Multitrack Conference
- Narrative Arc
- Native Advertising
- Navigation Signage
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Networking Events
- NFC (Near Field Communication)
- Niche Marketing
- Noise Control
- Nominal Fee
- Non-Profit Events
- No-Show Rate
- Notification System
- Omnichannel Marketing
- On-Demand Content
- Online Registration
- Onsite Management
- Onsite Registration
- Open Space Technology
- Opinion Leader
- Organizer
- Outdoor Events
- Outreach Program
- Overflow Area
- Panel Discussion
- Partnership Marketing
- Pitch Session
- Plenary Session
- Post-Event Survey
- Pre-Event Marketing
- Press Kit
- Pricing Strategy
- Product Launch
- Promotional Merchandise
- Public Relations (PR)
- Pulse Survey
- QR Code
- Qualitative Feedback
- Quality Assurance
- Quantitative Data
- Query Handling
- Queue Management
- Quick Polls
- Quiescent Periods
- Quintessential Experience
- Quirkiness
- Quota
- Quote Request
- Real-Time Analytics
- Rebranding
- Registration Portal
- Retention Rate
- RFP (Request for Proposal)
- Risk Management
- ROI (Return on Investment)
- Roundtable Discussion
- Run of Show
- Scalability
- Segmentation
- Session Tracking
- Site Inspection
- Social Media Campaign
- Special Interest Group
- Sponsorship Package
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Storytelling
- Streaming
- Survey
- Sustainability
- Target Audience
- Teasers
- Testimonials
- Themed Events
- Ticketing Platforms
- Touchpoints
- Track Sessions
- Trade Shows
- Traffic Flow
- Trending Topics
- Turnout
- Unconference
- Underwriting
- Unified Communications
- Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
- Upselling
- User Experience (UX)
- User-Generated Content (UGC)
- Utilization Rate
- Value-Added Services
- Value Proposition
- Vendor Management
- Venue Sourcing
- Video Marketing
- Viral Marketing
- Virtual Events
- Virtual Reality (VR)
- Visibility
- Visitor Registration
- Volunteer Management
- Vox Pop
- Waitlist
- Walkthrough
- Wearable Technology
- Webinar
- Website Traffic
- Welcome Pack
- Welcome Speech
- White Label
- Word of Mouth
- Workshop
- Wrap-Up Session